9,"0007",,"DetectionLimit and ReportingLimit",,"Method Detection Limit value of 6.6 pCi/L exceeds the Reporting Limit value of 3.0 pCi/L in this record.","This project has project specific reporting limits that do not match the FDEP project library.",,,1 11,"0007",,"DetectionLimit and ReportingLimit",,"Method Detection Limit value of 5.7 pCi/L exceeds the Reporting Limit value of 3.0 pCi/L in this record.",,,,1 ,"0010",,"Missing record",,"ClientSampleID EQUIPMENT BLANK 1 is missing a record where ReportableResult = YES for Alpha - Counting Error analyzed by EPA 9310 (Alpha) in MatrixID 'AQUEOUS-Other'. Alpha - Counting Error must be reported for this method and libary MatrixID equivalent according to the project library.",,,,1 ,"0010",,"Missing record",,"ClientSampleID FIELD BLANK 1 is missing a record where ReportableResult = YES for Alpha - Counting Error analyzed by EPA 9310 (Alpha) in MatrixID 'AQUEOUS-Other'. Alpha - Counting Error must be reported for this method and libary MatrixID equivalent according to the project library.",,,,1 ,"0010",,"Missing record",,"ClientSampleID MW-1A is missing a record where ReportableResult = YES for Alpha - Counting Error analyzed by EPA 9310 (Alpha) in MatrixID 'AQUEOUS-Groundwater'. Alpha - Counting Error must be reported for this method and libary MatrixID equivalent according to the project library.",,,,1 ,"0010",,"Missing record",,"ClientSampleID MW-1B is missing a record where ReportableResult = YES for Alpha - Counting Error analyzed by EPA 9310 (Alpha) in MatrixID 'AQUEOUS-Groundwater'. Alpha - Counting Error must be reported for this method and libary MatrixID equivalent according to the project library.",,,,1 ,"0010",,"Missing record",,"ClientSampleID MW-2AR is missing a record where ReportableResult = YES for Alpha - Counting Error analyzed by EPA 9310 (Alpha) in MatrixID 'AQUEOUS-Groundwater'. Alpha - Counting Error must be reported for this method and libary MatrixID equivalent according to the project library.",,,,1 ,"0010",,"Missing record",,"ClientSampleID MW-2B is missing a record where ReportableResult = YES for Alpha - Counting Error analyzed by EPA 9310 (Alpha) in MatrixID 'AQUEOUS-Groundwater'. Alpha - Counting Error must be reported for this method and libary MatrixID equivalent according to the project library.",,,,1 ,"0010",,"Missing record",,"ClientSampleID MW-3A is missing a record where ReportableResult = YES for Alpha - Counting Error analyzed by EPA 9310 (Alpha) in MatrixID 'AQUEOUS-Groundwater'. Alpha - Counting Error must be reported for this method and libary MatrixID equivalent according to the project library.",,,,1 ,"0010",,"Missing record",,"ClientSampleID MW-3B is missing a record where ReportableResult = YES for Alpha - Counting Error analyzed by EPA 9310 (Alpha) in MatrixID 'AQUEOUS-Groundwater'. Alpha - Counting Error must be reported for this method and libary MatrixID equivalent according to the project library.",,,,1 ,"0010",,"Missing record",,"ClientSampleID MW-4A is missing a record where ReportableResult = YES for Alpha - Counting Error analyzed by EPA 9310 (Alpha) in MatrixID 'AQUEOUS-Groundwater'. Alpha - Counting Error must be reported for this method and libary MatrixID equivalent according to the project library.",,,,1 ,"0010",,"Missing record",,"ClientSampleID MW-4B is missing a record where ReportableResult = YES for Alpha - Counting Error analyzed by EPA 9310 (Alpha) in MatrixID 'AQUEOUS-Groundwater'. Alpha - Counting Error must be reported for this method and libary MatrixID equivalent according to the project library.",,,,1 ,"0010",,"Missing record",,"ClientSampleID MW-4BDUP is missing a record where ReportableResult = YES for Alpha - Counting Error analyzed by EPA 9310 (Alpha) in MatrixID 'AQUEOUS-Groundwater'. Alpha - Counting Error must be reported for this method and libary MatrixID equivalent according to the project library.",,,,1 ,"0010",,"Missing record",,"ClientSampleID MW-5A is missing a record where ReportableResult = YES for Alpha - Counting Error analyzed by EPA 9310 (Alpha) in MatrixID 'AQUEOUS-Groundwater'. Alpha - Counting Error must be reported for this method and libary MatrixID equivalent according to the project library.",,,,1 ,"0010",,"Missing record",,"ClientSampleID MW-5B is missing a record where ReportableResult = YES for Alpha - Counting Error analyzed by EPA 9310 (Alpha) in MatrixID 'AQUEOUS-Groundwater'. Alpha - Counting Error must be reported for this method and libary MatrixID equivalent according to the project library.",,,,1 ,"0010",,"Missing record",,"ClientSampleID MW-6AR is missing a record where ReportableResult = YES for Alpha - Counting Error analyzed by EPA 9310 (Alpha) in MatrixID 'AQUEOUS-Groundwater'. Alpha - Counting Error must be reported for this method and libary MatrixID equivalent according to the project library.",,,,1 ,"0010",,"Missing record",,"ClientSampleID MW-6BR is missing a record where ReportableResult = YES for Alpha - Counting Error analyzed by EPA 9310 (Alpha) in MatrixID 'AQUEOUS-Groundwater'. Alpha - Counting Error must be reported for this method and libary MatrixID equivalent according to the project library.",,,,1 ,"0010",,"Missing record",,"ClientSampleID MW-7A is missing a record where ReportableResult = YES for Alpha - Counting Error analyzed by EPA 9310 (Alpha) in MatrixID 'AQUEOUS-Groundwater'. Alpha - Counting Error must be reported for this method and libary MatrixID equivalent according to the project library.",,,,1 ,"0010",,"Missing record",,"ClientSampleID MW-7B is missing a record where ReportableResult = YES for Alpha - Counting Error analyzed by EPA 9310 (Alpha) in MatrixID 'AQUEOUS-Groundwater'. Alpha - Counting Error must be reported for this method and libary MatrixID equivalent according to the project library.",,,,1 ,"0010",,"Missing record",,"ClientSampleID MW-8R is missing a record where ReportableResult = YES for Alpha - Counting Error analyzed by EPA 9310 (Alpha) in MatrixID 'AQUEOUS-Groundwater'. Alpha - Counting Error must be reported for this method and libary MatrixID equivalent according to the project library.",,,,1 ,"0010",,"Missing record",,"ClientSampleID MW-8RDUP is missing a record where ReportableResult = YES for Alpha - Counting Error analyzed by EPA 9310 (Alpha) in MatrixID 'AQUEOUS-Groundwater'. Alpha - Counting Error must be reported for this method and libary MatrixID equivalent according to the project library.",,,,1 ,"0010",,"Missing record",,"ClientSampleID MW-FL1 is missing a record where ReportableResult = YES for Alpha - Counting Error analyzed by EPA 9310 (Alpha) in MatrixID 'AQUEOUS-Groundwater'. Alpha - Counting Error must be reported for this method and libary MatrixID equivalent according to the project library.",,,,1 ,"0010",,"Missing record",,"ClientSampleID MW-FL2R is missing a record where ReportableResult = YES for Alpha - Counting Error analyzed by EPA 9310 (Alpha) in MatrixID 'AQUEOUS-Groundwater'. Alpha - Counting Error must be reported for this method and libary MatrixID equivalent according to the project library.",,,,1 ,"0010",,"Missing record",,"ClientSampleID MW-FL3 is missing a record where ReportableResult = YES for Alpha - Counting Error analyzed by EPA 9310 (Alpha) in MatrixID 'AQUEOUS-Groundwater'. Alpha - Counting Error must be reported for this method and libary MatrixID equivalent according to the project library.",,,,1 ,"0012",,"Missing record",,"Alpha - Counting Error is not reported as a spiked compound in the LCS identified as LabSampleID F9G020000209C for Method EPA 9310 (Alpha) with the same matrix equivalent as samples. This analyte must be reported for this method and matrix according to the project library. Make sure that AnalyteType = SPK. ",,,,1 ,"0012",,"Missing record",,"Alpha - Counting Error is not reported as a spiked compound in the LCS identified as LabSampleID F9G060000146C for Method EPA 9310 (Alpha) with the same matrix equivalent as samples. This analyte must be reported for this method and matrix according to the project library. Make sure that AnalyteType = SPK. ",,,,1 ,"0013",,"Missing record",,"Alpha - Counting Error is not reported as a spiked compound in the MS identified as LabSampleID D9F270156001S for Method EPA 9310 (Alpha). This analyte must be reported for this method and matrix equivalent to Water according to the project library. Make sure that AnalyteType = SPK. ",,,,1 ,"0013",,"Missing record",,"Alpha - Counting Error is not reported as a spiked compound in the MS identified as LabSampleID D9G010175001S for Method EPA 9310 (Alpha). This analyte must be reported for this method and matrix equivalent to Water according to the project library. Make sure that AnalyteType = SPK. ",,,,1