DEP Facility/Site Details and Associated Documents

Facility/Site Details
Facility/Site ID = 8505561
Facility/Site Name = 7-ELEVEN STORE #37607
Address = 9497 NW 7TH AVE 9401 NW 7TH AVE
City = MIAMI
District = SED
For more information regarding this facility, navigate to the following DEP webpage and identify your district contact:

Records on this page = 42 of 292
Your search returned these documents available online from DEP's unrestricted EDMS catalogs:
Click on the View link below to open a specific document. Export CSV Data
Document Date Document Type and Subject File Type and Size View
08/25/1993 REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN RELATED  .tif  -  180.3 KB arrow
07/19/1993 PILOT - FEASIBILITY STUDY  .tif  -  1003.4 KB arrow
05/21/1993 CERTIFIED AND E - MAIL RECEIPT  .tif  -  31.8 KB arrow
04/29/1993 ALTERNATE PROCEDURE RELATED AP REPORT .tif  -  2.9 MB arrow
03/25/1993 CERTIFIED AND E - MAIL RECEIPT  .tif  -  28.8 KB arrow
01/25/1993 SITE CHRONOLOGY  .tif  -  24.8 KB arrow
12/23/1992 REVIEW COMMENTS  .tif  -  29.4 KB arrow
10/16/1992 MONITORING PLANS AND REPORTS RELATED  .tif  -  1.7 MB arrow
09/03/1992 SOURCE REMOVAL RELATED  .tif  -  265.6 KB arrow
07/08/1992 TANK REGISTRATION RELATED  .tif  -  118.6 KB arrow
06/25/1992 REVIEW COMMENTS  .pdf  -  70.7 KB arrow
04/14/1992 TANK REGISTRATION RELATED  .tif  -  42.1 KB arrow
03/31/1992 INSTALLATION RELATED  .tif  -  69.5 KB arrow
03/12/1992 ALTERNATE PROCEDURE RELATED AP REQUEST .tif  -  927.6 KB arrow
02/24/1992 APPROVAL RELATED  .tif  -  48.3 KB arrow
01/13/1992 SITE ASSESSMENT RELATED  .tif  -  561.8 KB arrow
11/15/1991 REVIEW COMMENTS  .tif  -  41.2 KB arrow
10/11/1991 SITE ASSESSMENT RELATED  .tif  -  15.1 MB arrow
09/27/1991 TANK REGISTRATION RELATED  .tif  -  74.6 KB arrow
07/19/1991 SCORING CHECKLIST - PACKET  .tif  -  71.2 KB arrow
06/27/1991 DECISION  .tif  -  72.3 KB arrow
06/18/1991 LAB ANALYTICAL REPORTS  .tif  -  321.3 KB arrow
03/12/1991 INSPECTION RELATED  .tif  -  68.1 KB arrow
01/25/1991 ELIGIBILITY PACKET RELATED  .tif  -  679.4 KB arrow
01/21/1991 INSTALLATION RELATED  .tif  -  54.1 KB arrow
01/15/1991 ELIGIBILITY PACKET RELATED  .tif  -  194.7 KB arrow
12/17/1990 TANK REGISTRATION RELATED  .tif  -  38.6 KB arrow
11/16/1990 SOURCE REMOVAL RELATED  .tif  -  264.2 KB arrow
11/15/1990 ELIGIBILITY PACKET RELATED  .tif  -  32.7 KB arrow
11/02/1990 TANK REGISTRATION RELATED  .tif  -  130.6 KB arrow
12/22/1989 DECISION  .tif  -  38.1 KB arrow
10/16/1989 INSPECTION RELATED  .tif  -  2.1 MB arrow
09/20/1989 WARNING LETTER  .tif  -  27.8 KB arrow
09/13/1989 ELIGIBILITY PACKET RELATED  .tif  -  24.3 KB arrow
06/11/1989 ELIGIBILITY PACKET RELATED  .tif  -  26.6 KB arrow
06/06/1989 INSPECTION RELATED  .tif  -  255.4 KB arrow
10/20/1988 DISCHARGE REPORTING RELATED  .pdf  -  112.8 KB arrow
10/13/1988 ELIGIBILITY PACKET RELATED  .tif  -  260.1 KB arrow
04/15/1985 TANK REGISTRATION RELATED  .tif  -  89.4 KB arrow
01/01/1983 ELIGIBILITY PACKET RELATED  .tif  -  51.4 KB arrow

Disclaimer: The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) has made a reasonable effort to ensure that the information provided is up-to-date and comprehensive but cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the data. Any specific, missing information may be obtained through a public records request. For more information visit our Public Records web site.